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教授 \ 博士生导师


物理大楼 633


研究领域 单分子与单细胞生物物理、软凝聚态物理、生物医用材料等;

2022.10 -- 至今:厦门大学,物理系,教授,博士生导师;
2016.02-2022.02: 新加坡国立大学,物理系,博士后研究员 (Research Fellow);
2010.08-2015.10: 新加坡国立大学,力学生物学研究所,博士;
2006.09-2010.07: 厦门大学,物理系,物理学,学士;

[1]. M. Yu#, S. Le#, S. Barnett#, Z. Guo, X. Zhong, P. Kanchanawong*, and J. Yan*,  Implementing Optogenetic Modulation in Mechanotransduction, Phys. Rev. X, 10, 021001 (2020)
[2]. S. Le#, M. Yu#, and J. Yan*, Direct Single-molecule Quantification Reveals Surprisingly High Mechanical Stability of Vinculin--Talin/alpha-Catenin Linkages, Sci. Adv., 5 (12), eaav2720 (2019)
[3]. S. Le#, M. Yu#, and J. Yan*, Phosphorylation Reduces the Mechanical Stability of alpha-catenin/beta-catenin Complex, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 58(51) 18663-18669 (2019)
[4]. M. Yu#, S. Le#, Y. Ammon#, B. Goult, A. Akhmanova*, and J. Yan*, Force-dependent Regulation of KANK1-talin Complex at Focal Adhesions, Nano Lett., 19 (9), 5982-5990 (2019)
[5]. S. Le, M. Yu, L. Hovan, Z. Zhao, J. Ervasti, and J. Yan*, Dystrophin as a Molecular Shock Absorber, ACS Nano, 12(12):12140-12148 (2018)
[6]. M. Yu#, S. Le#, A. Efremov, X. Zeng, A. Bershadsky, and J. Yan*, Effects of Mechanical Stimuli on Profilin- and Formin-mediated Actin Polymerization, Nano Lett.,18 (8), 5239-5247. (2018)
[7]. S. Le, X. Hu, M. Yao, H. Chen, M. Yu, X. Xu, F. Margadant, M. Sheetz*, and J. Yan*, Mechanotransmission and Mechanosensing of Human alpha-actinin 1, Cell Rep., 21, 1-10. (2017)
[8]. S. Le#, E. Serrano#, R. Kawamura B. Carrasco, J. Yan*, and J.Alonso*, Bacillus Subtilis DprA and SsbA Promote the Assembly of a RecA Nucleoprotein Filament that Can Overcome RecX Inhibition during Natural Chromosomal Transformation, Nucleic Acids Res., 45(15): 8873-8885 (2017)
[9]. S. Le#, M. Yao#, J. Chen, A. K. Efremov, S. Azimi, and J. Yan*, Disturbance-free Rapid Solution Exchange for Magnetic Tweezers Single-molecule Studies, Nucleic Acids Res., 43(17): e113 (2015)
[10]. S. Le, H. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Chen, K. Patil, K. Muniyappa*, and J. Yan*, Mechanical Force Antagonizes the Inhibitory Effects of RecX on RecA Filaments Formation in M. tuberculosis, Nucleic Acids Res., 42 (19): 11992-11999. (2014)
[11]. H. Fu#, S. Le#, H. Chen, K. Muniyappa*, and J. Yan*, Force and ATP Hydrolysis Dependent Regulation of RecA Nucleoprotein Filament by Single-stranded DNA Binding Protein, Nucleic Acids Res., 41, 924 (2013)
[12]. S. Pang#, S. Le#, A. Kwiatkowski, and J. Yan*, Mechanical Stability of alphaT-catenin and its Activation by Force for Vinculin Binding, Mol. Biol. Cell, 30(16):1930-1937 (2019)
[13]. M. Yu, J. Lu, S. Le*, and J. Yan*, Unexpected Low Mechanical Stability of Titin I27 Domain at Physiologically Relevant Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12(33), 7914-7920  (2021)
[14]. M. Yu, Z. Zhao, Z. Chen, S. Le*, and J. Yan*, Modulating Mechanical Stability of Heterodimerization Between Engineered Orthogonal Helical Domains, Nat. Commun., 11: 4476 (2020)
[15]. T. Nguyen, S. Le, M. Lee, J.S. Fan, D. Yang, J. Yan, and G .Jedd*, Fungal Wound Healing through Instantaneous Protoplasmic Gelation, Curr. Biol., 31(2):271-282.e5 (2021)
[16]. C. Lu, S. Le, J. Chen, A. Byrd, D. Rhodes, K. Raney, and J. Yan*, Direct quantification of the translocation activities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 helicase, Nucleic Acids Res., 47(14):7494-7501 (2019)
[17]. D. Spadaro, S. Le, T. Laroche, I. Mean, L. Jond, J. Yan and S. Citi*, Tension-dependent stretching activates ZO-1 to control the junctional localization of its interactors, Curr. Biol., 27, 1-13 (2017)
[18]. W. Huang, S. Le, Y. Sun, DJ Lin, M, Yao, Y. Shi, J. Yan*, Mechanical Stabilization of a Bacterial Adhesion Complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144(37):16808-16818 (2022)
[19]. S. Le, M. Yu, A. Bershadsky*, and J.Yan*, Mechanical regulation of formin-dependent actin polymerization. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol., 102: 73-80 (2020).
[20]. S. Le, M. Yu, and J. Yan*, Mechanical Regulation of Tension-transmission Supramolecular Linkages, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 25:100895 (2021).
生物物理导论 (本科生课程)
单分子生物物理 (研究生课程)

姓名 乐世敏 职称职务 教授 \ 博士生导师
邮箱 leshimin@xmu.edu.cn 办公室 物理大楼 633
电话 个人主页 www.leshimin.org
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 单分子与单细胞生物物理、软凝聚态物理、生物医用材料等;
教育和工作经历 2022.10 -- 至今:厦门大学,物理系,教授,博士生导师;
2016.02-2022.02: 新加坡国立大学,物理系,博士后研究员 (Research Fellow);
2010.08-2015.10: 新加坡国立大学,力学生物学研究所,博士;
2006.09-2010.07: 厦门大学,物理系,物理学,学士;

代表性文章或专著 [1]. M. Yu#, S. Le#, S. Barnett#, Z. Guo, X. Zhong, P. Kanchanawong*, and J. Yan*,  Implementing Optogenetic Modulation in Mechanotransduction, Phys. Rev. X, 10, 021001 (2020)
[2]. S. Le#, M. Yu#, and J. Yan*, Direct Single-molecule Quantification Reveals Surprisingly High Mechanical Stability of Vinculin--Talin/alpha-Catenin Linkages, Sci. Adv., 5 (12), eaav2720 (2019)
[3]. S. Le#, M. Yu#, and J. Yan*, Phosphorylation Reduces the Mechanical Stability of alpha-catenin/beta-catenin Complex, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 58(51) 18663-18669 (2019)
[4]. M. Yu#, S. Le#, Y. Ammon#, B. Goult, A. Akhmanova*, and J. Yan*, Force-dependent Regulation of KANK1-talin Complex at Focal Adhesions, Nano Lett., 19 (9), 5982-5990 (2019)
[5]. S. Le, M. Yu, L. Hovan, Z. Zhao, J. Ervasti, and J. Yan*, Dystrophin as a Molecular Shock Absorber, ACS Nano, 12(12):12140-12148 (2018)
[6]. M. Yu#, S. Le#, A. Efremov, X. Zeng, A. Bershadsky, and J. Yan*, Effects of Mechanical Stimuli on Profilin- and Formin-mediated Actin Polymerization, Nano Lett.,18 (8), 5239-5247. (2018)
[7]. S. Le, X. Hu, M. Yao, H. Chen, M. Yu, X. Xu, F. Margadant, M. Sheetz*, and J. Yan*, Mechanotransmission and Mechanosensing of Human alpha-actinin 1, Cell Rep., 21, 1-10. (2017)
[8]. S. Le#, E. Serrano#, R. Kawamura B. Carrasco, J. Yan*, and J.Alonso*, Bacillus Subtilis DprA and SsbA Promote the Assembly of a RecA Nucleoprotein Filament that Can Overcome RecX Inhibition during Natural Chromosomal Transformation, Nucleic Acids Res., 45(15): 8873-8885 (2017)
[9]. S. Le#, M. Yao#, J. Chen, A. K. Efremov, S. Azimi, and J. Yan*, Disturbance-free Rapid Solution Exchange for Magnetic Tweezers Single-molecule Studies, Nucleic Acids Res., 43(17): e113 (2015)
[10]. S. Le, H. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Chen, K. Patil, K. Muniyappa*, and J. Yan*, Mechanical Force Antagonizes the Inhibitory Effects of RecX on RecA Filaments Formation in M. tuberculosis, Nucleic Acids Res., 42 (19): 11992-11999. (2014)
[11]. H. Fu#, S. Le#, H. Chen, K. Muniyappa*, and J. Yan*, Force and ATP Hydrolysis Dependent Regulation of RecA Nucleoprotein Filament by Single-stranded DNA Binding Protein, Nucleic Acids Res., 41, 924 (2013)
[12]. S. Pang#, S. Le#, A. Kwiatkowski, and J. Yan*, Mechanical Stability of alphaT-catenin and its Activation by Force for Vinculin Binding, Mol. Biol. Cell, 30(16):1930-1937 (2019)
[13]. M. Yu, J. Lu, S. Le*, and J. Yan*, Unexpected Low Mechanical Stability of Titin I27 Domain at Physiologically Relevant Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12(33), 7914-7920  (2021)
[14]. M. Yu, Z. Zhao, Z. Chen, S. Le*, and J. Yan*, Modulating Mechanical Stability of Heterodimerization Between Engineered Orthogonal Helical Domains, Nat. Commun., 11: 4476 (2020)
[15]. T. Nguyen, S. Le, M. Lee, J.S. Fan, D. Yang, J. Yan, and G .Jedd*, Fungal Wound Healing through Instantaneous Protoplasmic Gelation, Curr. Biol., 31(2):271-282.e5 (2021)
[16]. C. Lu, S. Le, J. Chen, A. Byrd, D. Rhodes, K. Raney, and J. Yan*, Direct quantification of the translocation activities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 helicase, Nucleic Acids Res., 47(14):7494-7501 (2019)
[17]. D. Spadaro, S. Le, T. Laroche, I. Mean, L. Jond, J. Yan and S. Citi*, Tension-dependent stretching activates ZO-1 to control the junctional localization of its interactors, Curr. Biol., 27, 1-13 (2017)
[18]. W. Huang, S. Le, Y. Sun, DJ Lin, M, Yao, Y. Shi, J. Yan*, Mechanical Stabilization of a Bacterial Adhesion Complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144(37):16808-16818 (2022)
[19]. S. Le, M. Yu, A. Bershadsky*, and J.Yan*, Mechanical regulation of formin-dependent actin polymerization. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol., 102: 73-80 (2020).
[20]. S. Le, M. Yu, and J. Yan*, Mechanical Regulation of Tension-transmission Supramolecular Linkages, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 25:100895 (2021).
科研基金及项目 国家级高层次青年引进人才计划;
任教课程 生物物理导论 (本科生课程)
单分子生物物理 (研究生课程)

招生方向 生物物理与软物质、材料工程、凝聚态物理、光学等。 荣誉奖励