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教授 / 硕士生导师


物理大楼 550



研究领域 高性能锂/钠电池体系、固态锂离子电池、海水提锂、电池隔膜等;石墨烯膜;膜分离科学与技术;膜材料开发与应用;环境工程与水处理

2022-至今 厦门大学物理科学与技术学院 教授
2005-2022 厦门大学材料学院 教授
1999-2005 厦门大学化学化工学院 教授
1996-1998 厦门大学化学化工学院 副教授
1985-1991 厦门水产学院 教师

1.Z. Chen, Y.H. Lan, Y.B. Hong, W.G. Lan, Review of 2D Graphitic Carbon Nitride-Based Membranes: Principles, Syntheses, and Applications, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5 (9), 12343–12365.
2.L-S. Zhu, X-X. Guo, Y-Q. Chen, Z. Chen, Y.H. Lan, Y.B. Hong, W.G. Lan, Graphene Oxide Composite Membranes for Water Purification, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5 (3), 3643-3653.
3.K.Q. Zheng, S.Q. Li, Zhou Chen*, Y.Q. Chen, Y.B. Hong* and W.G. Lan, highly stable graphene oxide composite nanofiltration membrane, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 10061-10066.
4.S.J. Meng, M.M. Zhang, Meng Yao, Z.G. Qiu, Y.B. Hong, W.G. Lan, H.P. Xia, Xu Jin, Membrane Fouling and Performance of Flat Ceramic Membranes in the Application of Drinking Water Purification. Membrane Technologies and Water Treatment, 2019, 11 (12), 2606.
5.X.X. Xu, C.L. Zhou, B.R. Zeng, H.P. Xia, W.G. Lan, X.M. He, Structure and properties of polyamidoamine/polyacrylonitrile composite nanofiltration membrane prepared by interfacial polymerization, Separation and Purification Technology, 2012 (96): 229-236.
6.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, N. Chen, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 5, Three-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 1995, 120 (4): 1115-1124.
7.W. G. Lan, K. K. Chee, M. K. Wong, H. K. Lee, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 4, Mixed-level design and its application to the high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Analyst, 1995, 120 (2): 281-288.
8.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, K. K. Chee, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 3, Five-level design and its application in polarographic reaction system for selenium determination. Analyst, 1994, 120: 273-280.
9.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, N. Chen, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 2, Four-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 1994, 119 (8): 1669-1675.
10.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, N. Chen, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 1, Two-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 1994, 119 (8): 1659-1667.
姓名 蓝伟光 职称职务 教授 / 硕士生导师
邮箱 wglan@xmu.edu.cn 办公室 物理大楼 550
电话 0592-2184026 个人主页 https://team.xmu.edu.cn/XMULWGlab/zh_CN/index.htm
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 高性能锂/钠电池体系、固态锂离子电池、海水提锂、电池隔膜等;石墨烯膜;膜分离科学与技术;膜材料开发与应用;环境工程与水处理
教育和工作经历 2022-至今 厦门大学物理科学与技术学院 教授
2005-2022 厦门大学材料学院 教授
1999-2005 厦门大学化学化工学院 教授
1996-1998 厦门大学化学化工学院 副教授
1985-1991 厦门水产学院 教师

代表性文章或专著 1.Z. Chen, Y.H. Lan, Y.B. Hong, W.G. Lan, Review of 2D Graphitic Carbon Nitride-Based Membranes: Principles, Syntheses, and Applications, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5 (9), 12343–12365.
2.L-S. Zhu, X-X. Guo, Y-Q. Chen, Z. Chen, Y.H. Lan, Y.B. Hong, W.G. Lan, Graphene Oxide Composite Membranes for Water Purification, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5 (3), 3643-3653.
3.K.Q. Zheng, S.Q. Li, Zhou Chen*, Y.Q. Chen, Y.B. Hong* and W.G. Lan, highly stable graphene oxide composite nanofiltration membrane, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 10061-10066.
4.S.J. Meng, M.M. Zhang, Meng Yao, Z.G. Qiu, Y.B. Hong, W.G. Lan, H.P. Xia, Xu Jin, Membrane Fouling and Performance of Flat Ceramic Membranes in the Application of Drinking Water Purification. Membrane Technologies and Water Treatment, 2019, 11 (12), 2606.
5.X.X. Xu, C.L. Zhou, B.R. Zeng, H.P. Xia, W.G. Lan, X.M. He, Structure and properties of polyamidoamine/polyacrylonitrile composite nanofiltration membrane prepared by interfacial polymerization, Separation and Purification Technology, 2012 (96): 229-236.
6.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, N. Chen, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 5, Three-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 1995, 120 (4): 1115-1124.
7.W. G. Lan, K. K. Chee, M. K. Wong, H. K. Lee, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 4, Mixed-level design and its application to the high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Analyst, 1995, 120 (2): 281-288.
8.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, K. K. Chee, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 3, Five-level design and its application in polarographic reaction system for selenium determination. Analyst, 1994, 120: 273-280.
9.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, N. Chen, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 2, Four-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 1994, 119 (8): 1669-1675.
10.W. G. Lan, M. K. Wong, N. Chen, Y. M. Sin, Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures, Part 1, Two-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 1994, 119 (8): 1659-1667.
科研基金及项目 任教课程
招生方向 材料工程;能源材料 荣誉奖励