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物理楼 679


研究领域 软物质与生物物理、生物软凝聚态物理、仿生催化、荧光超分辨技术用于单颗粒纳米催化表征

2020-----至今 :厦门大学物理学系教授
2014.04-----2020: 厦门大学物理学系副教授(2018年博士生导师)
2019.06 - 2019.08: 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 访问学者
2016.12--2018.03:德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院应用物理系 访问学者
2008.9~2013.11 中国科学院大学长春应化所 导师:曲晓刚研究员、任劲松研究员 硕博连读研究生
2004.9~2008.7 福州大学 理科基地班 本科
已发表SCI论文60篇,他引近4000次,H 因子28。其中以第一或通讯作者已在 Sci. Adv. (Science 子刊), Adv. Mater. (2 篇), Adv. Funct. Mater. (2 篇), Acc. Chem. Res., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Trends Biotechnol. (Cell 子刊), Small (2 篇), NPG Asia Mater., Biomaterials, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. (2 篇) 等高水平刊物上发表论文 28 篇,中科院 JCR 一区20 篇, If >10 文章 12 篇。
1. Yongchun Pan Jingjing Yang, Xiaowei Luan, Xinli Liu, Xueqing Li, Jian Yang, Ting Huang, Lu Sun, Yuzhen Wang*, Youhui Lin,* and Yujun Song*.Near-infrared upconversion–activated CRISPR-Cas9 system: A remote-controlled gene editing platform, Science Advances, 2019, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav7199.
2. Shuihong Zhu; Wenbin Zeng; Zhaohui Meng; Wenhao Luo; Liyun Ma; Yanran
Li; Changxu Lin; Qiaoling Huang; Youhui Lin*; Xiang Yang Liu*; Using Wool Keratin as a Basic Resist Material to Fabricate Precise Protein Patterns, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(28): 1900870.
3. Lin Zhang; Fan Hu; Shuihong Zhu; Youhui Lin*; Zhaohui Meng; Rui Yu; Xiang Yang Liu*; Meso-Reconstruction of Wool Keratin Three-Dimensional “Molecular Springs” for Tunable Ultra-Sensitive and Highly Recovery Strain Sensors, Small, 2020, DOI:10.1002/smll.202000128.
4. Tian Xia, Wenhao Luo, Fan Hu, Wu Qiu, Zhisen Zhang, Youhui Lin*, Xiang Yang Liu, Fabrication of Crack-free Photonic Crystal Films on Superhydrophobic Nanopin Surface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 22037–22041.
5. Zhengwei Chen, Honghao Zhang, Lin Zaifu, Youhui Lin*, Jan H. van Esch, Xiang Yang Liu*, Programing Performance of Silk Fibroin Materials by Controlled Nucleation, Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26, 8978–8990. (Back Cover)
6. Youhui Lin*; Zhengwei Chen; Xiang Yang Liu*, Using Inorganic Nanomaterials to Endow Biocatalytic Systems with Unique Features. Trends in Biotechnology 2016, 34 (4), 303-15.
7. Xueqing Xiong; Yanyan Huang; Changxu Lin; Xiang Yang Liu; Youhui Lin*; Recent Advances in Nanoparticulate Biomimetic Catalysts for Combating Bacteria and Biofilms , Nanoscale, 2019, 11(46): 22206-22215.
8. Xiaopei Wang, Ao Gong, Wenhao Luo, Haiqing Wang, Changxu Lin, Xiang Yang Liu, Youhui Lin, Remote activation of nanoparticulate biomimetic activity by light triggered pH-jump. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (62), 8641-8644.
9. Xiaopei Wang, Chen Hou, Wu Qiu, Yuepeng Ke, Qingchi Xu, Xiang Yang Liu, Youhui Lin*, Protein-Directed Synthesis of Bifunctional Adsorbent-Catalytic Hemin-Graphene Nanosheets for Highly Efficient Removal of Dye Pollutants via Synergistic Adsorption and Degradation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 684-692.
10. Youhui Lin; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Catalytically Active Nanomaterials: A Promising Candidate for Artificial Enzymes.Accounts of chemical research 2014, 47 (4), 1097-1105.
11. Youhui Lin; Andong Zhao; Yu Tao; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Ionic Liquid as an Efficient Modulator on Artificial Enzyme System: Toward the Realization of High-Temperature Catalytic Reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013,135 (11), 4207-4210.
12. Youhui Lin; Wu Li; Yanyan Huang; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Positional assembly of hemin and gold nanoparticles in graphene-mesoporous silica nanohybrids for tandem catalysis. Chemical Science 2015, 6 (2), 1272-1276.
13. Youhui Lin; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Nano-Gold as Artificial Enzymes: Hidden Talents. Advanced Materials 2014, 26(25), 4200-4217.
14. Youhui Lin; Can Xu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Using Thermally Regenerable Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in Biocomputing to Perform Label-free, Resettable, and Colorimetric Logic Operations. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2012, 51 (50), 12579-12583.
15. Youhui Lin; Yu Tao; Fang Pu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Combination of Graphene Oxide and Thiol-Activated DNA Metallization for Sensitive Fluorescence Turn-On Detection of Cysteine and Their Use for Logic Gate Operations. Advanced Functional Materials 2011, 21 (23), 4565-4572.
16. Youhui Lin; Meili Yin; Fang Pu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, DNA-Templated Silver Nanoparticles as a Platform for Highly Sensitive and Selective Fluorescence Turn-On Detection of Dopamine. Small 2011, 7 (11), 1557-1561.
17. Youhui Lin; Yanyan Huang; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Incorporating ATP into biomimetic catalysts for realizing exceptional enzymatic performance over a broad temperature range. Npg Asia Materials 2014, 6.
18. Youhui Lin; Zhenhua Li; Zhaowei Chen; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Mesoporous silica-encapsulated gold nanoparticles as artificial enzymes for self-activated cascade catalysis. Biomaterials 2013, 34 (11), 2600-2610.
19. Youhui Lin; Cuie Chen; Chunyan Wang; Fang Pu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Silver nanoprobe for sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of dopamine via robust Ag-catechol interaction. Chemical Communications 2011, 47 (4), 1181-1183.
20. Youhui Lin; Yu Tao; Jinsong Ren; Fang Pu; Xiaogang Qu, Highly sensitive and selective detection of thiol-containing biomolecules using DNA-templated silver deposition. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2011, 28 (1), 339-343.
大学物理, 大学物理实验
姓名 林友辉 职称职务 教授
邮箱 linyouhui@xmu.edu.cn 办公室 物理楼 679
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 软物质与生物物理、生物软凝聚态物理、仿生催化、荧光超分辨技术用于单颗粒纳米催化表征
教育和工作经历 工作经历
2020-----至今 :厦门大学物理学系教授
2014.04-----2020: 厦门大学物理学系副教授(2018年博士生导师)
2019.06 - 2019.08: 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 访问学者
2016.12--2018.03:德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院应用物理系 访问学者
2008.9~2013.11 中国科学院大学长春应化所 导师:曲晓刚研究员、任劲松研究员 硕博连读研究生
2004.9~2008.7 福州大学 理科基地班 本科
代表性文章或专著 已发表SCI论文60篇,他引近4000次,H 因子28。其中以第一或通讯作者已在 Sci. Adv. (Science 子刊), Adv. Mater. (2 篇), Adv. Funct. Mater. (2 篇), Acc. Chem. Res., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Trends Biotechnol. (Cell 子刊), Small (2 篇), NPG Asia Mater., Biomaterials, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. (2 篇) 等高水平刊物上发表论文 28 篇,中科院 JCR 一区20 篇, If >10 文章 12 篇。
1. Yongchun Pan Jingjing Yang, Xiaowei Luan, Xinli Liu, Xueqing Li, Jian Yang, Ting Huang, Lu Sun, Yuzhen Wang*, Youhui Lin,* and Yujun Song*.Near-infrared upconversion–activated CRISPR-Cas9 system: A remote-controlled gene editing platform, Science Advances, 2019, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav7199.
2. Shuihong Zhu; Wenbin Zeng; Zhaohui Meng; Wenhao Luo; Liyun Ma; Yanran
Li; Changxu Lin; Qiaoling Huang; Youhui Lin*; Xiang Yang Liu*; Using Wool Keratin as a Basic Resist Material to Fabricate Precise Protein Patterns, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(28): 1900870.
3. Lin Zhang; Fan Hu; Shuihong Zhu; Youhui Lin*; Zhaohui Meng; Rui Yu; Xiang Yang Liu*; Meso-Reconstruction of Wool Keratin Three-Dimensional “Molecular Springs” for Tunable Ultra-Sensitive and Highly Recovery Strain Sensors, Small, 2020, DOI:10.1002/smll.202000128.
4. Tian Xia, Wenhao Luo, Fan Hu, Wu Qiu, Zhisen Zhang, Youhui Lin*, Xiang Yang Liu, Fabrication of Crack-free Photonic Crystal Films on Superhydrophobic Nanopin Surface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 22037–22041.
5. Zhengwei Chen, Honghao Zhang, Lin Zaifu, Youhui Lin*, Jan H. van Esch, Xiang Yang Liu*, Programing Performance of Silk Fibroin Materials by Controlled Nucleation, Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26, 8978–8990. (Back Cover)
6. Youhui Lin*; Zhengwei Chen; Xiang Yang Liu*, Using Inorganic Nanomaterials to Endow Biocatalytic Systems with Unique Features. Trends in Biotechnology 2016, 34 (4), 303-15.
7. Xueqing Xiong; Yanyan Huang; Changxu Lin; Xiang Yang Liu; Youhui Lin*; Recent Advances in Nanoparticulate Biomimetic Catalysts for Combating Bacteria and Biofilms , Nanoscale, 2019, 11(46): 22206-22215.
8. Xiaopei Wang, Ao Gong, Wenhao Luo, Haiqing Wang, Changxu Lin, Xiang Yang Liu, Youhui Lin, Remote activation of nanoparticulate biomimetic activity by light triggered pH-jump. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (62), 8641-8644.
9. Xiaopei Wang, Chen Hou, Wu Qiu, Yuepeng Ke, Qingchi Xu, Xiang Yang Liu, Youhui Lin*, Protein-Directed Synthesis of Bifunctional Adsorbent-Catalytic Hemin-Graphene Nanosheets for Highly Efficient Removal of Dye Pollutants via Synergistic Adsorption and Degradation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 684-692.
10. Youhui Lin; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Catalytically Active Nanomaterials: A Promising Candidate for Artificial Enzymes.Accounts of chemical research 2014, 47 (4), 1097-1105.
11. Youhui Lin; Andong Zhao; Yu Tao; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Ionic Liquid as an Efficient Modulator on Artificial Enzyme System: Toward the Realization of High-Temperature Catalytic Reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013,135 (11), 4207-4210.
12. Youhui Lin; Wu Li; Yanyan Huang; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Positional assembly of hemin and gold nanoparticles in graphene-mesoporous silica nanohybrids for tandem catalysis. Chemical Science 2015, 6 (2), 1272-1276.
13. Youhui Lin; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Nano-Gold as Artificial Enzymes: Hidden Talents. Advanced Materials 2014, 26(25), 4200-4217.
14. Youhui Lin; Can Xu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Using Thermally Regenerable Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in Biocomputing to Perform Label-free, Resettable, and Colorimetric Logic Operations. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2012, 51 (50), 12579-12583.
15. Youhui Lin; Yu Tao; Fang Pu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Combination of Graphene Oxide and Thiol-Activated DNA Metallization for Sensitive Fluorescence Turn-On Detection of Cysteine and Their Use for Logic Gate Operations. Advanced Functional Materials 2011, 21 (23), 4565-4572.
16. Youhui Lin; Meili Yin; Fang Pu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, DNA-Templated Silver Nanoparticles as a Platform for Highly Sensitive and Selective Fluorescence Turn-On Detection of Dopamine. Small 2011, 7 (11), 1557-1561.
17. Youhui Lin; Yanyan Huang; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Incorporating ATP into biomimetic catalysts for realizing exceptional enzymatic performance over a broad temperature range. Npg Asia Materials 2014, 6.
18. Youhui Lin; Zhenhua Li; Zhaowei Chen; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Mesoporous silica-encapsulated gold nanoparticles as artificial enzymes for self-activated cascade catalysis. Biomaterials 2013, 34 (11), 2600-2610.
19. Youhui Lin; Cuie Chen; Chunyan Wang; Fang Pu; Jinsong Ren; Xiaogang Qu, Silver nanoprobe for sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of dopamine via robust Ag-catechol interaction. Chemical Communications 2011, 47 (4), 1181-1183.
20. Youhui Lin; Yu Tao; Jinsong Ren; Fang Pu; Xiaogang Qu, Highly sensitive and selective detection of thiol-containing biomolecules using DNA-templated silver deposition. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2011, 28 (1), 339-343.
科研基金及项目 1.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21771150,新型蚕丝材料基复合人工酶的构建及其应用,2018-1至2011-12,65万,在研,主持。
任教课程 大学物理, 大学物理实验
招生方向 荣誉奖励