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The Hall Effects Edwin Hall Never Imagined


期数 萨本栋讲坛之105期 主 讲 人 金晓峰 教授
讲座时间 2020年12月18日(周五)下午14:30 地 点 物理楼552


题     目:  The Hall Effects Edwin Hall Never Imagined

主  讲 :  金晓峰 教授  复旦大学

时间地点: 2020年12月18周五下午14:30,物理楼552

主讲人简介:金晓峰,复旦大学物理系谢希德讲座教授。主要从事表面与超薄膜磁性,低维体系中的自旋相关输运的实验研究。已在国际主要学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,并多次在国际学术会议上作特邀报告。曾任国际纯粹与应用物理联合会(IUPAP) 磁学专业委员会(C9)主任 (2015-2017),曾获美国IEEE磁学会Distinguish Lecturer(2017),曾担任过多个国际学术会议的顾问委员会和程序委员会委员。另外,曾获国家杰出青年科学基金,香港求是科学基金会“杰出青年学者奖”,中国物理学会“胡刚复物理奖”等。

摘    要:The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is one of the oldest and most prominent transport phenomena in magnetic materials.  Yet, AHE has remained unresolved for more than a century because its rich phenomenology defies standard classification, prompting conflicting claims of the dominant mechanisms.  In this lecture, I will give a comprehensive discussion on the basic concepts on AHE. Expoliting the attributes of epitaxial magnetic thin films, I will then explain how to control independenly the different scattering processes through temperature and layer thickness and to identifiy unambiguously the intrinsic mechanism as well as the extrinsic mechanisms of the AHE. Based on the understanding of the microscopic mechanisms of the AHE, I will describe how we develop a new method using the H-patterns to measure quantities inherent to the SHE.