Title: Gauge-gravity duality and emergent spacetimes: possible relations with
quantum entanglement
Speaker: 舒富文 教授
Institute: 南昌大学(NCU)
Time: 2017.11.30(Thursday) 14:30
Place: Physics Building 573, Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University
Abstract: In this talk, I would like to report recent progress on emergent spacetimes from CFT in the framework of gauge-gravity duality. Particularly, I will present how the thermal geometry emerges from CFT at finite temperature by using the truncated entanglement renormalization network(cMERA) and the recently conjectured surface/state correspondence(SS-duality), respectivlely. Then, I would like to address a newly proposed HC/RFS duality. With this duality, some interesting properties can be obtained.