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【5月8日讲座】Frustrated optical lattice: from topological excitations to deconfined phase transition


期数 主 讲 人
讲座时间 地 点

时 间:2019年5月8日(周三)下午15:00

地 点:海韵教学楼504

主 讲 人:张学锋 研究员



摘要:Weanalyzed the repulsive particles in the frustrated optical lattice. For the triangular lattice, we find two co-order exist phases:supersolidand ordered metals. Both behave like fluid but also keep crystal structure. After introducing the spatial anisotropy, the bosonic domain walls are excited. Such topological defects can continuously change the crystal structure, so that the exotic incommensuratesupersolidis observed.Similar phenomena can also be found in thekagomeoptical lattice. When choosing cylindrical boundary condition, we found a novel edge liquid phase with fractional charges (spinons) linked by quantum strings (effective gauge field). In the strong coupling limit, we obtained the effective lattice gauge field theory which shows easy-plane NCCP1 form...