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【7月5日讲座】Surface Modification of Low Dimensional Materials for Microlasing and Sensing


期数 主 讲 人
讲座时间 地 点

时 间2019年75日(周


地 点物理552

主讲人陈锐 副教授

单 位 南方科技大学

陈锐,中组部第五批国家“南科杰出青年学者”与深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”(B类)入选者。主要研究兴趣包括激光光谱、材料光学特性研究、光学微腔与微纳激光器等。已在Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、Small、Applied Physics Letters等国际知名杂志上发表论文100多篇,其中封面文章12篇。文章被引用2500多次,h因子30,目前主持与参与科研项目10余项。

Abstract In this talk, I will introduce the manipulation of optical property of low-dimensional materials through different approaches, for example, surface passivation, introduction of localized states, strain, energy transfer, etc. Examples include the ZnO nanowires, CdSe colloidal quantum dots and perovskite nanomaterials. We find that through Argon ion milling, the surface nonradiative recombination centers in ZnO nanowires can be removed. At the same time, localized exciton is introduced into the materials which enable the room temperature random lasing action. For CdSe quantum dots, it is noted that quasi-type II core-shell structure can greatly suppress the Auger recombination and therefore the room temperature stimulated emission under multi-photon excitation can be realized. ...