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【7月16日讲座】Deep-Subwavelength Reveal and Control of Chirality in Plasmonic Nanostructures


期数 主 讲 人
讲座时间 地 点

时 间:2019年7月16日(周二)下午


地 点:物理楼407

主讲人:方哲宇 研究员

单 位:北京大学物理学院

方哲宇,浙江杭州人,北京大学物理学院研究员,全国优博,基金委优青,教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第一),主持科技部973课题。主要研究微纳光子学器件的集成与近场光学表征,在等离激元聚焦、波导、光电探测方面取得系列突破性成果,5项发明专利已授权;50余次在国际学术大会做邀请报告。在Chem. Rev,Mater. Today等高水平学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,SCI他引5000余次,12篇论文入选ESI高被引。相关工作被Science,Nature Physics,Nature Photonics等学术期刊及新闻媒体多次亮点推荐和报导。

摘要:Light-matter interactions as an emergingaspect of quantum optics enable exceptional physicalphenomena and advanced applications innanophotonicsthrough thenanoscaleexploitation of photon-emitterinteractions.In this talk, we introducecathodoluminescence(CL)microscopy to detectchiropticaleffects in chiral plasmonic nanostructures, as guided by the reciprocity between electron beam and plane wave excitation, and we further realize the reveal and control of chiralcathodoluminescenceatsubnanoscale. Besides, CL microscopy can provide better physical insight ofchiropticaleffects and find newchiropticalphenomena that is obscured in the near field of the nanostructure and hardly detected by far-field optical characterization methods. Moreover, chiral radiative LDOS distributions in plasmonic nanostructures can be imaged at thenanoscaleby using CLnanoscopy, which directly reflect the chiral radiative spontaneous decay of quantum emitters.