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Chen Lixiang


Room 418, Department of Physics, Haiyun Campus

Education&Work Experience
Lixiang Chen is Professor of Optics in the Department of Physics at Xiamen University.His research interest ranges from nonlinear optics, quantum optics to quantum information, in particular, spin and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of photons and their quantum aspects. The aim of our lab is to build both the theoretical and experimental toolbox for generation, manipulation and measurement of quantum entanglement with twisted photons, and their promising applications in new quantum information protocols of high dimensions. In 2010 he won the 2nd class Raoyu Tai award for fundamental optics (awarded by the Fundamental Optics Division of Chinese Optical Society) for his work on photon angular momentum and its applications in quantum information. His work was selected for  2014 China Optics Important Achievement.
For more details, please visit our Quantum Optics Lab website at
姓名 Chen Lixiang 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Room 418, Department of Physics, Haiyun Campus
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责
教育和工作经历 Lixiang Chen is Professor of Optics in the Department of Physics at Xiamen University.His research interest ranges from nonlinear optics, quantum optics to quantum information, in particular, spin and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of photons and their quantum aspects. The aim of our lab is to build both the theoretical and experimental toolbox for generation, manipulation and measurement of quantum entanglement with twisted photons, and their promising applications in new quantum information protocols of high dimensions. In 2010 he won the 2nd class Raoyu Tai award for fundamental optics (awarded by the Fundamental Optics Division of Chinese Optical Society) for his work on photon angular momentum and its applications in quantum information. His work was selected for  2014 China Optics Important Achievement.
For more details, please visit our Quantum Optics Lab website at
科研基金及项目 任教课程
招生方向 荣誉奖励